(New Format) - these are open questions for muets to answer as we go along, CKE!

  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Item description

Old Format:

What sets your work apart from other health coaches? 

What can I expect from nutrition coaching?

Are you really going to overhaul my kitchen?

Can I cancel at any time? Is it easy to cancel?  

What is your refund policy?

What does it cost?

How long are the programs? How much time does it take? I am very busy. 

How long does it take to start experiencing results?

What if I have food allergies? 

What will I learn? 

What does dance have to do with health? 

What is the best way to contact you?