2022: (I really don’t want to title it this way) Resolutions. Thinking Forward.
(4-minute read)
By Estelle Olivares
Trained Dancer, Certified Fitness Nutrition Expert, Lifelong Vitamin/Herb Nerd, Wellness Coach
Writings: New Year’s Day
It’s so cliché, but I believe there’s a saying somewhere about cliches and truths, so….
Yeah, I’m going to write about it because like so many of us as we turn over a new calendar year, I’ve been thinking about resolutions.
Actually I’ve been fairly opposed to making any sort of resolution for many years now, decades possibly.
I’ve not been surprised to read more research revealing some reasons why I felt opposed (the potential set up for failure seems so obvious but apparently we needed research to prove what we already know to be true); and yet, on my quest for growth and continual healing, I do find this reflective time of year more valuable.
At least this year, so I figured, what the heck. I’ve been wanting to write more…. What a perfect opportunity to do so.
As noted, writing more. It’s nice to put action towards a goal that is already on my list. Check it off the list!
…more importantly for me, more present acceptance and gratitude for everything my body does on my behalf.
Then there’s the ever popular, ‘I’d like to lose x number of pounds’ resolution. Meh. I mean, yes, but more importantly for me, more present acceptance and gratitude for everything my body does on my behalf. How all of my healing journey has lead me to exactly where I am today and every day. AND how gaining more appreciation for all of those processes allows me to accept and appreciate and LOVE myself. This in turn naturally leads to my ability to achieve and maintain my ideal body. This is ongoing and daily work and I love the process.
The question is always, How do you want to live?
I, like so many, have personal business goals.
For me this is fun to conceptualize as we move into a time when people are wanting more and more information about how we can live and therefore die in better ways.
Yes, die.
I said it.
We’re all going to die.
Know it.
Accept it.
The question is always, How do you want to live?
I love helping people learn more ways to better take care of themselves. One of my main overarching goals is: How can I stay out of the hospital?
But in the long form: How can I best take care of this human vessel that is my body in this present life? How can I help my body in the most natural way, or in the least toxic way? How do I use natural substances, including fresh air, purified/filtered water, and clean food (not to mention non-toxic body care and household cleaning products) and natural products, to maintain my overarching goal?
This has been my life’s work. It will never be done and that deeply satisfies the procrastinator in me, ha ha ha.
Adding joy to my life in small ways has been one of the most important lessons to learn when it comes to living life not in fear but in joy. And therefore living more fully, more freely, more healthy.
Right now it’s time to make sure I meet one of my other main daily goals: brush teeth before leaving house. Preferably before noon. If not before noon, before 2. I have 6 minutes. And since we’re going to get out for a walk I’ll resume this writing after said walk.
Since exercise came up, it’s also an ever popular resolution for many.
Exercise is one of those habits I instilled at a fairly young age and I’m more and more thankful for my maintenance of said habit. So for me, exercise is a goal I’ve worked into my habits.
We are meant to move these bodies. If you know anything about me, you know dance is my preferred exercise format. But I also love the simplicity of walking for exercise. I also genuinely enjoy lifting weights (I did it obsessively when I was in my teens and very early twenties), and Pilates and classical ballet barre are my continual training and maintenance.
I love helping people find joy in movement, especially with dance.
There is a certain amount of stuff we’ll die with and someone will have to deal with it.
Mostly I’ve been thinking lately about lightening the load of stuff and things. My Jesse inspires me in this way.
Perhaps the fairly recent passing of both my parents and the recent sorting and cleaning of their stuff and things is the other reason this is what I’ve been rolling around in my head as far as goals go this year. There is a certain amount of stuff we’ll die with and someone will have to deal with it. Most likely. Especially if we’re smart about it and set up the appropriate legal precautions to protect our assets. Even if we’re not smart about it, someone will have to deal with it.
Well since you can’t take it with you…
Why not start to evaluate what you really want to live with, instead of stuffing it away into bigger homes and storage units or attics and closets and never dealing with your stuff.
I have a secret for you: you’re dying anyway.
Right now, if you are over the age of 25, all of your enzymatic processes are slowing down and preparing you to close the circle of life.
Your life will not be complete until then.
This is not depressing. It is joyous!
…once per quarter, minimally, pick a room and pretend to be moving.
I’m lucky enough, or clever enough to not have a storage unit nor attic full of stuff to deal with. But I do have a couple closets of stuff and I have a big house (oh she’s a big ol’ historic Victorian home, and she is lovely) and as last year was coming to a close I’ve been thinking of ways to lighten the load.
The idea I came up with for 2022: once per quarter, minimally, pick a room and pretend to be moving.
Clean out that closet.
Go through the stuff.
Organize the things you want to pass on.
Ditch the stuff no one wants.
Lighten the load.
Set a great example to others in your circles.
This is how we can better steward our planet for future generations, if there are to be any.
That’s simply realistic.
Our planet will be here whether humans are here or not.
Those are very comforting thoughts for me, actually. But I do have little ones in my life, and I want them to have a healthy planet.
I want them to not have to deal with junky stuff when I complete my life in full someday.
Hopefully this inspires you to think more broadly as you work towards your future goals.
In Health, In Peace, & With Joyous Wishes for your years ahead,
Estelle & the HFD Team